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Collection: The Superior Soda Products

7 products
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    Superior Soda 

    Superior Soda is the highest grade medical/pharmaceutical sodium bicarbonate that is produced from nature itself for its purity, quality and strength.



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    BATH SODA 900g Superior Soda BATH is a high grade medical/pharmaceutical sodium bicarbonate that is produced from nature itself for its purity, quality and strength.


    BATH: Place between 3 to 5 tablespoons of Superior Soda BATH in your bath and dissolve into the water. You can check the pH and Alkalinity of the water by using the Superior Soda pH and Alkalinity Strips. Soak your body in a warm bath for 15 to 20 minutes.

    BABY BATH Place between 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Superior Soda BATH into a baby bath and dissolve into the water. You can check the pH and Alkalinity of the water by using the Superior Soda pH and Alkalinity Strips. Soak your baby in the warm bath for 10 to 15 mins. 

    FOOT SPAPlace between 1 to 2 tablespoons of Superior Soda BATH into a foot spa and dissolve into the water. You can check the pH and Alkalinity of the water by using the Superior Soda pH and Alkalinity Strips. Soak your feet in the warm foot spa for 15 to 20 mins.

    SPRAY BOTTLEPlace between 1 to 2 teaspoons of Superior Soda BATH into a spray bottle and dissolve into the water. You can check the pH and Alkalinity of the water by using the Superior Soda pH and Alkalinity Strips. Spray a fine mist onto the skin as required. Let air dry and do not wipe off. 

    PASTEMix 1 teaspoon of Superior Soda BATH with a few spoons of white Vitamin E cream to make a paste. Apply paste to skin as required and cover with a bandaid or bandage. Change paste at least twice daily.

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      Use these pH and Alkalinity strips to measure liquids, drinks and foods. 

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      1 x Superior Soda
      1 x Bath Soda
      1 x Alkalinity Strips
      When you purchase a starter pack you save 10%
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      Large gift box contains:

      1 x 450g Superior Soda 

      1 x 900g Bath Soda

      1 x Alkalinity strips

      1 x 100ml NuviQue Moisturising Cream

      1 x NuviQue Honeysuckle Soap

      1 x NuviQue White and purple Lavender Soap

      1 x NuviQue Dark Lavender Soap

      1 x White and Gold Buddha 

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      2 x 450g Superior Soda 

      2 x 100ml NuviQue Moisturising Cream


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      1 x 450g Superior Soda

      1 x 900g Bath Soda

      1 x Alkalinity Strips

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